Scripture Verse

Forsake not the law of thy mother. Proverbs 1:8


Ina D. Ogdon (1872–1964)

Words: Ina D. Og­don, in With Heart and Voice, ed­it­ed by Ed­mund S. Lo­renz, H. W. Por­ter & John Fear­is (New York: Lo­renz Pub­lish­ing, 1905), num­ber 54.

Music: John S. Fea­ris (🔊 pdf nwc).

John S. Fearis (1867–1932)


Ere you left the home­stead in
The van­ished long ago,
When your heart was hap­py, and
Your soul was pure as snow,
You were bade to Je­sus’ feet,
His shel­ter­ing love to know;
Don’t for­get the pro­mise made to mo­ther.

Don’t for­get those ten­der hands
That soothed your care away;
Don’t forget that gen­tle face,
Those tress­es thin and gray;
And don’t for­get her Sav­ior,
Who is call­ing you today;
Don’t for­get the pro­mise made to mo­ther.

When you sought the world, she bade
You take this faith­ful Friend,
Begged you to con­fess Him and
In Him your soul de­fend;
Oft you vowed to claim Him and
To trust Him to the end;
Don’t for­get the pro­mise made to mother.


Far from grace you wan­dered in
The wea­ry pass­ing years;
Patiently she suf­fered and
Endured her grief and fears;
Many times you told her you
Would heed the pray­ers and tears;
Don’t forget the pro­mise made to mother.


Once again you pro­mised when
Her pil­grim work was done,
When she went in tri­umph to
Receive her gold­en crown,
When she said, thro’ Christ alone
Were life and vic­to­ry won;
Don’t for­get the pro­mise made to mo­ther.
