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Scripture Verse

O give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good: for His mercy endureth forever. Psalm 107:1


Franz J. Haydn (1732–1809)

Words: From The Psal­ter (Pitts­burgh, Penn­syl­van­ia: Unit­ed Pres­by­ter­ian Board of Pub­li­ca­tion, 1912), num­ber 292.

Music: Hal­le (Hay­dn), at­trib­ut­ed to Franz J. Hay­dn (1732–1809) (🔊 ).


Praise the Lord, for He is good,
For His mer­cies ev­er sure
From eter­ni­ty have stood,
To eter­ni­ty en­dure.
Let His ran­somed people raise
Songs to their Re­deem­er’s praise.

From cap­ti­vi­ty re­leased,
From the south and from the north,
From the west and from the east,
In His love He brought them forth,
Ransomed out of ev­ery land
From the ad­ver­sa­ry’s hand.

Wandering in the wil­der­ness,
Far they roamed the de­sert way,
Found no set­tled dwell­ing place
Where in peace se­cure to stay,
Till with thirst and hun­ger pressed
Courage sank with­in their breast.

To Je­ho­vah then they cried
In their trou­ble, and He saved;
He Him­self be­came their guide,
Led them to the rest they craved
By a path­way straight and sure,
To a ci­ty strong, se­cure.

Sons of men, awake to praise
God the Lord who reigns above,
Gracious in His works and ways,
Wondrous in re­deem­ing love;
Longing souls He sa­tis­fies,
Hungry hearts with good sup­plies.