Scripture Verse

Jesus stretched forth His hand, and caught him. Matthew 14:31


Words: Hol­land L. Boyd, in New Vic­to­ry, ed­it­ed by Em­mett S. Dean (Nash­ville, Ten­nes­see: Nat­ion­al Bap­tist Pub­lish­ing Board, 1918), num­ber 47. De­di­cat­ed to Miss El­gil Brad­ford, Al­bert­ville, Ala­ba­ma.

Music: Bloom­ing­ton Hol­land L. Boyd, 1918 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Boyd (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Reach out Thine hand, my Sav­ior dear,
I long to feel Thy pre­sence near;
When Thou art near, my soul is blest,
In Thee I find sweet peace and rest.


O Sav­ior dear, reach out Thine hand,
And by Thy side, O let me stand,
Till Thou shalt say, Enough, My child,
No long­er face the tem­pest wild.

Reach out Thine hand and take me in,
And let me now Thy fa­vors win;
I’m sore­ly tossed up­on the sea,
I long to hide my­self in Thee.


How oft I’m tempt­ed on the way,
And foes sur­round me ev­ery day;
O Sav­ior dear, reach out Thine hand,
And lead me to the Beu­lah land.


Reach out Thine hand, and hold me fast,
Until the tem­pests all are past;
Then I shall mount on wings of love,
And reach the pro­mised land above.
