Scripture Verse

Rise; He calleth thee. Mark 10:49


Words: D. Lut­her Roth, 1888, alt.

Music: Ar­nos Grove W. D. Sty­er, 1888 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

If you know Sty­er’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

D. Luther Roth (1847–1935)


Rise, child­ren of God, a voice bids you rise;
The voice of God calls to you from the skies;
Awaken to ef­fort for Christ and His laws,
For Christ and His Gos­pel, for Christ and His cause.

The Spir­it di­vine fills Hea­ven to­day,
Descending to earth, He calls you: Ob­ey.
The na­tions are roll­ing as tide on our shores,
The Spir­it says, Win them, they wait at your doors.

O! Spir­it of light, bring light to all hearts,
Fill all with the strength Thy pre­sence im­parts.
The voice of our lead­er we all must ob­ey;
Go forth, make dis­ci­ples; there’s ev­er a way.

Lo! God will arise, and scat­ter the foe,
The strong­holds of sin, and Sa­tan o’er­throw.
Then for­ward in God’s name for Christ’s ho­ly laws,
For Christ and His Gos­pel, for Christ and His cause.