Scripture Verse

The Lord will receive my prayer. Psalm 6:9


Ephraim of Edessa (307–373)

Words: Eph­ra­im of Edes­sa (307–373) (Qab­bel, Mâr­an, bâ’ûth kul­lan). Trans­lat­ed from Sy­ri­ac to Eng­lish by Fran­cis C. Bur­kitt in The Eng­lish Hym­nal (Lon­don: Ox­ford Uni­ver­si­ty Press, 1906), num­ber 194.

Music: St. Am­brose (Feil­lée), in Mé­thode du plain-chant, by Fran­çois de la Feil­lée, 1782 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Francis C. Burkitt (1864–1935)
National Portrait Gallery



Receive, O Lord, in Hea­ven above
Our pray­ers and sup­pli­ca­tions pure;
Give us a heart all full of love
And stea­dy cour­age to en­dure.

Thy ho­ly name our mouths con­fess,
Our tongues are harps to praise Thy grace;
Forgive our sins and wick­ed­ness,
Who in this vi­gil seek Thy face.

Let not our song be­come a sigh,
A wail of ang­uish and des­pair;
In lov­ing­kind­ness, Lord most high,
Receive to­night our ev­en­ing pray­er.

O raise us in that day, that we
May sing, where all Thy saints adore,
Praise to Thy Fa­ther, and to Thee,
And to Thy Spir­it, ev­er­more.