Even to your old age and gray hair I am He, I am He who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.
Isaiah 46:4
Words: Robert Anderson, The Buddha of Christendom (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1899), pages 312–13. Anderson wrote these words as an alternative to Fanny Crosby’s Safe in the Arms of Jesus.
Music: Daniel B. Towner, 1912, in Songs of the Great Salvation, by William M. Runyan & Daniel Towner (Wichita, Kansas: Runyan Music Publishing, circa 1919) (🔊
Alternate Tune:
Safe in Jehovah’s keeping,
Led by His glorious arm,
God is Himself my refuge,
A present help from harm.
Fears may at times distress me,
Griefs may my soul annoy;
God is my strength and portion,
God my exceeding joy.
Safe in Jehovah’s keeping,
Led by His glorious arm,
God is Himself my refuge,
A present help from harm.
Safe in Jehovah’s keeping,
Safe in temptation’s hour,
Safe in the midst of perils,
Kept by almighty power.
Safe when the tempest rages,
Safe though the night be long;
E’en when my sky is darkest
God is my strength and song.
Sure is Jehovah’s promise,
Naught can my hope assail;
Here is my soul’s sure anchor,
Entered within the veil.
Blest in His love eternal,
What can I want beside!
Safe through the blood that cleanseth,
Safe in the Christ that died.