Scripture Verse

He is able…to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him, seeing He ever liveth to make intercession for them. Hebrews 7:25


Words: Mrs. A. P. Ford, in Sun­ny-Side Songs (New York and Chi­cago, Il­li­nois: Big­low & Main, 1893), page 36.

Music: Ran­chi T. D. Lock­wood (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Ford or Lock­wood’s full name, or where to get their pho­tos,


Give glo­ry and hon­or and praise
To whom ado­ra­tion be­longs;
With me­lody chant­ing your lays,
He op­ened Cre­ation with songs.
With sing­ing re­joice in that love
Which res­cues from sin and the grave;
A Sav­ior came down from ab­ove,
All pow­er­ful and gra­cious to save.

To save to the ut­ter­most, all
Who trust Him and hope in His grace,
O Earth, hear the life giv­ing call!
Salvation is free to the race!
Then bear the glad tid­ings abroad;
Make haste, while thy heart is aglow,
To tell them of hope and of God,
While wait­ing in pi­ti­less woe.

Thy light then may break thro’ the gloom;
Thy torch may yet kin­dle a flame,
To lead out of dark­ness and doom,
To hon­or and praise His dear name.
And thou, when that glo­ri­ous day,
The day of the ran­somed shall come,
Wilt bring by thy life giv­ing ray
A jew­el to gar­nish thy crown.