Scripture Verse

God, be merciful to me, a sinner. Luke 18:13


Charles Wesley (1707–1788)

Words: Charles We­sley, Hymns and Sac­red Po­ems 1749.

Music: Red­head Ri­chard Red­head, Church Hymn Tunes, An­cient and Mo­dern (Lon­don: 1853) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Richard Redhead

When [Hu­go] Gro­ti­us was re­turn­ing from Swe­den in 1645, to spend his last days in Hol­land, his ship was wrecked on the coast of Pom­er­an­ia. He made his way with dif­fi­cul­ty to Ros­tock, where his strength gave way.

On his death-bed Quis­torp vi­sit­ed him, and spoke of the pub­li­can on whom God had mer­cy as he prayed. Gro­ti­us re­plied, Ego il­le sum pub­li­cans (I am that pub­li­can). A short time af­ter the great schol­ar passed to his rest.

Telford, p. 211


Savior, Prince of Is­ra­el’s race,
See me from Thy lof­ty throne;
Give the sweet re­lent­ing grace,
Soften this ob­du­rate stone!
Stone to flesh, O God, con­vert;
Cast a look, and break my heart!

By Thy Spir­it, Lord, re­prove,
All my in­most sins re­veal,
Sins against Thy light and love
Let me see, and let me feel;
Sins that cru­ci­fied my God,
Spilt again Thy pre­cious blood.

Jesu, seek Thy wan­der­ing sheep,
Make me rest­less to re­turn;
Bid me look on Thee, and weep,
Bitterly as Pe­ter mourn,
Till I say, by grace re­stored,
Now Thou know’st I love Thee, Lord

Might I in Thy sight ap­pear,
As the pub­li­can dis­tressed,
Stand, not dar­ing to draw near,
Smite on my un­wor­thy breast,
Groan the sin­ner’s on­ly plea,
God, be mer­ci­ful to me!

O re­mem­ber me for good,
Passing through the mor­tal vale!
Show me the aton­ing blood,
When my strength and spir­it fail;
Give my gasp­ing soul to see
Jesus cru­ci­fied for me!