Scripture Verse

Put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground. Ephesians 6:13


John Newton (1725–1807)

Words: John New­ton, Ol­ney Hymns (Lon­don: W. Ol­iv­er, 1779), Book 3, num­ber 4. Pre­pare to meet God.

Music: Pley­el’s Hymn Ig­naz J. Pley­el, 1791 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

Ignaz J. Pleyel (1757–1831)


Sinner, art thou still se­cure?
Wilt thou still re­fuse to pray?
Can thy heart or hands en­dure
In the Lord’s av­eng­ing day?

See, His migh­ty arm is bared!
Awful ter­rors clothe His brow!
For His judg­ment stand pre­pared,
Thou must ei­ther break or bow.

At His pre­sence na­ture shakes,
Earth af­frighted hastes to flee;
Solid mount­ains melt like wax,
What will then be­come of thee?

Who His ad­vent may abide?
You that glo­ry in your shame,
Will you find a place to hide
When the world is wrapped in flame?

Then the rich, the great, the wise,
Trembling, guil­ty, self con­demned;
Must be­hold the wrath­ful eyes
Of the Judge they once blas­phemed:

Where are now their haugh­ty looks?
Oh their hor­ror and des­pair!
When they see the op­ened books
And their dread­ful sen­tence hear!

Lord, pre­pare us by Thy grace!
Soon we must re­sign our breath,
And our souls be called to pass,
Through the ir­on gate of death.

Let us now our day im­prove,
Listen to the Gos­pel voice;
Seek the things that are above;
Scorn the world’s pre­tend­ed joys.

O! when flesh and heart shall fail,
Let Thy love our spir­its cheer;
Strengthened thus, we shall pre­vail
Over Sa­tan, sin and fear.

Trusting in Thy pre­cious name,
May we thus our jour­ney end;
Then our foes shall lose their aim,
And the Judge will be our friend.