Scripture Verse

Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. Matthew 26:41


Words: Tho­mas Hast­ings, Spi­ri­tu­al Songs for So­cial Wor­ship (Uti­ca, New York: 1831), num­ber 119.

Music: Bye­field Tho­mas Hast­ings, 1840 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Thomas Hastings (1784–1872)


The Sav­ior bids us watch and pray
Through life’s mo­ment­ous hour,
And grants the Spir­it’s quick­en­ing ray
To those who seek His pow­er.

The Sav­ior bids us watch and pray,
Maintain a war­ri­or’s strife;
O Chris­tian! hear His voice to­day:
Obedience is thy life.

The Sav­ior bids us watch and pray,
For soon the hour will come
That calls us from the earth away
To our eter­nal home.

The Sav­ior bids us watch and pray,
O heark­en to His voice,
And fol­low where He leads the way,
To Heav’n’s eter­nal joys!