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Scripture Verse

They cast their crowns before the throne. Revelation 4:10


John Cennick (1718–1755)
National Portrait Gallery

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Words: John Cen­nick (1718–1755). Ap­peared in The Chris­tian Hym­nal, Hymns with Tunes for the Ser­vic­es of the Church, ed­it­ed by Frank Sew­all (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: J. B. Lip­pin­cott, 1867), num­ber 101.

Music: Frank Sew­all (1837–1915) (🔊 ).

Frank Sewall (1837–1915)

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Savior and re­ge­ne­ra­tor!
Thee alone, God we own,
Father and Cre­ator.

Word in­car­nate, we ado­re Thee!
Hosts above, God of Love,
Cast their crowns be­fore Thee.

Father, Son and Ho­ly Spir­it,
One in Thee, Lord, we see,
Who Thy grace in­her­it.

May Thy Word be our in­struct­or,
Night and day, on our way,
Our di­vine con­duct­or!

Visit us with Thy sal­va­tion;
Let Thy care still be near,
Round our ha­bi­ta­tion.

Jesus, our di­vine pro­tect­or,
Guide us still, let Thy will
Be our sole di­rect­or!