I have declared Thy faithfulness and Thy salvation.
Psalm 40:10
Words: Charles Wesley, Hymns and Sacred Poems 1742, pages 300–01.
Music: Bava German psalter, 1562 (🔊
Savior of all to Thee we bow,
And own Thee faithful to Thy word;
We hear Thy voice, and open now
Our hearts to entertain our Lord.
Come in, come in, Thou heavenly guest;
Delight in what Thyself hast given;
On Thy own gifts and graces feast,
And make the contrite heart Thy heaven.
Smell the sweet odor of our prayers;
Our sacrifice of praise approve;
And treasure up our gracious tears,
And rest in Thy redeeming love.
Beneath Thy shadow let us sit;
Call us Thy friend and love, and bride;
And bid us freely drink and eat
Thy dainties, and be satisfied.
O let us on Thy fullness feed,
And eat Thy flesh, and drink Thy blood;
Jesus, Thy blood is drink indeed,
Jesus, Thy flesh is angels’ food.
The heavenly manna faith imparts,
Faith makes Thy fullness all our own;
We feed upon Thee in our hearts,
And find that Heaven and Thee art one.
A Heaven begun on earth we feel,
Who conquer in the glorious strife,
And pass o’er sin, and earth, and hell
Triumphant to eternal life.
The fullness of eternal bliss,
We shall from Thee receive above;
This the reward of conquests, this
The crown of all victorious love.
Conqueror of sin, and hell and death,
As Thou the dreadful fight hast won,
And wearest now th’immortal wreath
And sittest on Thy Father’s throne.
So shalt Thou grant to all that fight,
And conquer in Thy mighty name,
To claim the kingdom as their right,
Their sufferings, and their crown the same.
Who bore Thy cross shall wear Thy crown,
Shall triumph in Thy victory,
And in Thy glorious throne sit down,
And reign in endless bliss with Thee.