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Scripture Verse

I have declared Thy faithfulness and Thy salvation. Psalm 40:10


Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns and Sac­red Po­ems 1742, pag­es 300–01.

Music: Ba­va Ger­man psal­ter, 1562 (🔊 ).

Charles Wesley (1707–1788)


Savior of all to Thee we bow,
And own Thee faith­ful to Thy word;
We hear Thy voice, and op­en now
Our hearts to en­ter­tain our Lord.

Come in, come in, Thou heav­en­ly guest;
Delight in what Thy­self hast giv­en;
On Thy own gifts and grac­es feast,
And make the con­trite heart Thy heav­en.

Smell the sweet od­or of our pray­ers;
Our sac­ri­fice of praise ap­prove;
And trea­sure up our gra­cious tears,
And rest in Thy re­deem­ing love.

Beneath Thy sha­dow let us sit;
Call us Thy friend and love, and bride;
And bid us free­ly drink and eat
Thy dain­ties, and be sa­tis­fied.

O let us on Thy full­ness feed,
And eat Thy flesh, and drink Thy blood;
Jesus, Thy blood is drink in­deed,
Jesus, Thy flesh is an­gels’ food.

The heav­en­ly man­na faith im­parts,
Faith makes Thy full­ness all our own;
We feed up­on Thee in our hearts,
And find that Heav­en and Thee art one.

A Heav­en be­gun on earth we feel,
Who con­quer in the glo­ri­ous strife,
And pass o’er sin, and earth, and hell
Triumphant to eter­nal life.

The full­ness of eter­nal bliss,
We shall from Thee re­ceive above;
This the re­ward of con­quests, this
The crown of all vic­tor­ious love.

Conqueror of sin, and hell and death,
As Thou the dread­ful fight hast won,
And wear­est now th’im­mor­tal wreath
And sit­test on Thy Fa­ther’s throne.

So shalt Thou grant to all that fight,
And con­quer in Thy migh­ty name,
To claim the king­dom as their right,
Their suf­fer­ings, and their crown the same.

Who bore Thy cross shall wear Thy crown,
Shall tri­umph in Thy vic­to­ry,
And in Thy glo­ri­ous throne sit down,
And reign in end­less bliss with Thee.