Scripture Verse

A wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. John 2:1


Wedding Feast at Cana in Galilee
Igor Stoyanov

Words: Tho­mas Raf­fles, wri­tten No­vem­ber 3, 1852. On oc­ca­sion of the mar­ri­age of the Rev. J. F. and Mrs. Gue­nett.

Music: Cas­sel Chris­ten-schatz (Ba­sel, Swit­zer­land: 1745) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Thomas Raffles (1788–1863)


Savior, let Thy sanc­tion rest
On the un­ion wit­nessed now;
Be it with Thy pre­sence blest;
Ratify the nup­tial vow;
Hallowed let this un­ion be
With each oth­er, and with Thee.

Thou in Ca­na didst ap­pear,
At a mar­riage feast like this;
Deign to meet us, Sav­ior, here,
Fountain of un­min­gled bliss!
Crown with joy this fes­tive board—
Joy that earth can­not afford.

We no mi­ra­cle re­quire—
Turning wa­ter in­to wine—
All our pant­ing hearts de­sire
Is to taste Thy love di­vine:
Holy in­flu­ence from above
Consecrating earth­ly love.

Let the path our friends pur­sue
From this hour to­ge­ther trod,
Many though its days, or few,
Be a pil­grim­age to God;
To the land where rest is giv­en,
To our Fa­ther’s house in Hea­ven.