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Scripture Verse

Now we see but a poor reflection…then we shall see face to face. 1 Corinthians 13:12


Lida S. Leech (1873–1962)

Words: Li­da S. Leech, 1911.

Music: Ad­am Gei­bel (🔊 ).

Adam Geibel (1855–1933)

Geibel wrote this me­lo­dy af­ter his son-in-law was killed in a steel mill ex­plo­sion:

Lying sleep­less in bed brood­ing over his per­son­al sor­row and his daugh­ter’s dis­tress, he had sud­denly heard a voice say­ing, Child, you do not un­der­stand it now, but some day you’ll un­der­stand; some day it will all be plain!…[He] cried out in ans­wer, mak­ing the words of the dis­traught fa­ther of a de­mon-po­ssessed son had spo­ken to the Lord, his ve­ry own words, Yes, Lord, I be­lieve, help Thou mine un­be­lief! I know that Thou wilt make it plain to me some day.

The fol­low­ing day, Ad­am wrote out his mu­sic and a rough idea of the stan­zas he felt would be ap­prop­ri­ate, and mailed his ma­nu­script to Mrs. Li­da Shi­vers Leech at her New Jer­sey home, re­quest­ing her to ed­it his lines and add some lines of her own to com­plete the po­em he need­ed.

Emurian, pp. 111–12


I do not know why oft ’round me
My hopes all shat­tered seem to be;
God’s per­fect plan I can­not see,
But some day I’ll un­der­stand.


Some day He’ll make it plain to me,
Some day when I His face shall see;
Some day from tears I shall be free,
For some day I shall un­der­stand.

I can­not tell the depth of love,
Which moves the Fa­ther’s heart above;
My faith to test, my love to prove,
But some day I’ll un­der­stand.


Tho’ tri­als come thro’ pass­ing days,
My life will still be filled with praise;
For God will lead thro’ dark­ened ways,
But some day I’ll un­der­stand.
