Scripture Verse

There shall be showers of blessing. Ezekiel 34:26


Fanny Crosby (1820–1915)

Words: Fan­ny Cros­by, in Win­nowed Songs, ed­it­ed by Ira San­key (New York: Big­low & Main, 1890), page 183. Some hym­nals show the ly­ri­cist as Ro­bert Bruce, one of Fan­ny’s pseu­do­nyms.

Music: Ira D. San­key (🔊 pdf nwc).

Ira D. Sankey (1840–1908)


Hear us, O Sav­ior, while we pray,
Humbly our need con­fess­ing;
Grant us the pro­mised show­ers to­day,
Send them up­on us, O Lord.


Send show­ers of bless­ing,
Send show­ers re­fresh­ing;
Send us show­ers of bless­ing;
Send them, Lord, we pray.

Knowing Thy love, on Thee we call,
Boldly Thy throne ad­dress­ing;
Pleading that show­ers of grace may fall,
Send them up­on us, O Lord.


Trusting Thy word that can­not fail,
Master, we claim Thy pro­mise;
Oh, that our faith may now pre­vail,
Send us the show­ers, O Lord.
