Scripture Verse

Send out Thy light and Thy truth. Psalm 43:3


John Q. Adams (1767–1848)

Words: John Q. Ad­ams, 1841.

Music: Hol­den Tho­mas Whit­te­more, 1841 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

Thomas Whittemore (1800–1861)


Send forth, O God, Thy light and truth,
And let them lead me still,
Undaunted, in the paths of right,
Up to Thy ho­ly hill:
Then to Thy al­tar will I spring,
And in my God re­joice
And praise shall tune the trem­bling string,
And gra­ti­tude my voice.

O why, my soul, art thou cast down?
Within me why dis­tressed?
Thy hopes the God of grace shall crown;
He yet shall make thee blessed.
To Him, my ne­ver fail­ing friend,
I bow, and kiss the rod;
To Him shall thanks and praise as­cend,
My Sav­ior and my God.