Scripture Verse

They shall sing to Thy name. Psalm 66:4


Nikolaus Hermann (1500–1561)

Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns for New Year’s Day 1750.

Music: Lobt Gott, ihr Chris­ten Ni­ko­laus Her­mann, 1554 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Charles Wesley (1707–1788)


Sing to the great Je­ho­vah’s praise!
All praise to Him be­longs:
Who kind­ly length­ens out our days
Demands our choic­est songs.

His pro­vi­dence hath brought us through
Another va­ri­ous year:
We all with vows and an­thems new
Before our God ap­pear.

Father, Thy mer­cies past we own;
Thy still con­tin­ued care;
To Thee pre­sent­ing, through Thy Son,
Whate’er we have or own.

Our lips and lives shall glad­ly show
The won­ders of Thy love,
While on in Jes­u’s steps we go
To see Thy face above.

Our re­si­due of days or hours
Thine, whol­ly Thine, shall be;
And all our con­se­crat­ed powe­rs
A sa­cri­fice to be:

Till Je­sus in the clouds ap­pear
To saints on earth for­giv­en,
And bring the grand Sab­bat­ic year,
The ju­bi­lee of Heav’n.