Scripture Verse

You will not fear the terror of night. Psalm 91:4–5


Adelaide A. Procter (1825–1864)

Words: Ade­laide A. Proc­ter, Le­gends and Lyr­ics, a Book of Verse 1862.

Music: St. Le­on­ard (Hiles) Hen­ry Hiles, 1867 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

Henry Hiles (1826–1904)


The shadows of the evening hours
Fall from the darkening sky;
Upon the fragrance of the flowers
The dews of evening lie;
Before Thy throne, O Lord of Heav’n,
We kneel at close of day;
Look on Thy children from on high,
And hear us while we pray.

The sorrows of Thy servants, Lord,
O do not now despise,
But let the incense of our prayers
Before Thy mercy rise.
The brightness of the coming night
Upon the darkness rolls;
With hopes of future glo­ry, chase
The shadows from our souls.

Slowly the rays of daylight fade,
So fade within our heart
The hopes in earthly love and joy,
That one by one depart.
Slowly the bright stars, one by one,
Within the heavens shine:
Give us, O Lord, fresh hopes in Hea­ven,
And trust in things divine.

Let peace, O Lord, Thy peace,
O God, upon our souls descend;
From midnight fears and perils, now
Our trembling hearts defend.
Give us a respite from our toil;
Calm and subdue our woes.
Through the long day we labor, Lord,
O give us now repose.