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Scripture Verse

Those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31


Horatius Bonar (1808–1889)

Words: Ho­ra­ti­us Bo­nar, Hymns of Faith and Hope (Lon­don: James Nis­bet, 1857), pag­es 211–13. The last three stan­zas have al­so been pub­lished as a cen­to, with the line Swift­ly mov­ing, up­ward, on­ward re­placed by Like the ea­gle, up­ward, on­ward.

Music: Rath­bun Ith­amar Con­key, 1849 (🔊 ).

Ithamar Conkey


Shall this life of mine be wast­ed?
Shall this vine­yard lie un­tilled?
Shall true joy pass by un­tast­ed,
And this soul re­main un­filled?

Shall the God-giv­en hours be scat­tered,
Like the leaves upon the plain?
Shall the blos­soms die un­watered
By the drops of heav­en­ly rain?

Shall I see each fair sun wak­ing,
And not feel, it wakes for me?
Each glad morn­ing, bright­ly break­ing,
And not feel, it breaks for me?

Shall I see the ros­es blow­ing,
And not wish to bloom as they?
Holy frag­rance round me throw­ing,
Luring oth­ers on the way.

Shall I hear the free bird sing­ing
In the sum­mer’s stain­less sky,
Far aloft its glad flight wing­ing,
And not seek to soar as high?

Shall this heart still spend its trea­sures
On the things that fade and die;
Shall it court the hol­low plea­sures
Of be­wil­der­ing van­ity?

Shall these lips of mine be idle;
Shall I op­en them in vain?
Shall I not with God’s own brid­le
Their fri­vol­ities re­strain?

Shall these eyes of mine still wan­der?
Or, no long­er turned afar,
Fix a firm­er gaze and fon­der
On the bright and morn­ing Star?

Shall these feet of mine, de­lay­ing
Still in ways of sin be found,
Braving snares and mad­ly stray­ing
On the world’s be­witch­ing ground?

No, I was not born to tri­fle
Life away in dreams or sin!
No, I must not, dare not sti­fle
Longings such as these with­in!

Swiftly mov­ing, up­ward, on­ward,
Let my soul in faith be borne;
Calmly gaz­ing, sky­ward, sun­ward,
Let my eye un­blink­ing turn!

Where the cross, God’s love re­veal­ing,
Sets the fet­tered spir­it free,
Where it sheds its won­drous heal­ing,
There my soul, thy rest shall be.

Then no long­er id­ly dream­ing
Shall I fling my years away;
But, each pre­cious hour re­deem­ing,
Wait for the eter­nal day!