Scripture Verse

I beseech Thee, show me Thy glory. Exodus 33:18


Words: E. Nor­man Gun­ni­son, in Heart and Voice, ed­it­ed by Will­iam F. Sher­win (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: John Church, 1881), page 23.

Music: Lom­bar­dia George F. Root, 1881 (🔊 pdf nwc).

George F. Root (1820–1895)


What are the joys of earth to one
Who sees the Mas­ter’s face?
What is the shin­ing of the sun
Beside the Mas­ter’s grace?
Before the splen­dor of His worth
Our earth­ly lights are dim;
We glad­ly leave the things of earth
To fol­low af­ter Him.

His love has blessed us all our days,
His care each gift be­stows;
He lead­eth us be­side the ways
Where liv­ing water flows.
And if we fol­low in His lead,
Whatever may be­fall,
His gifts shall sa­tis­fy each need,
Sufficient un­to all.

Thy care has crowned our ev­ery hour,
Be with us still, O Lord!
First the full bud, and then the flow­er,
Shall blos­som at Thy word.
Unto this wait­ing heart of mine
Reveal Thy per­fect grace,
And let me see, by love di­vine,
The shin­ing of Thy face.