Scripture Verse

Yet there is room. Luke 14:22


Words: At­trib­ut­ed to George H. Nobbs (1799–1884). Pub­lished in Pit­cairn Hymns and Nor­folk Fa­vour­ites (Nor­folk Is­land, un­dat­ed).

Music: Ano­ny­mous (🔊 pdf nwc).

George H. Nobbs (1799–1884)


What ship is this you’re sail­ing in,
This won­drous ship of fame?
The ship is called the Church of God,
And Christ’s the Cap­tain’s name.


Come join our hap­py crew!
We’re bound for Ca­naan’s shore!
The Cap­tain says, There’s room for you
And room for mill­ions more.

What wag­es do you get on board
This ship that you com­mend?
We’ve love and joy and peace and grace
And glo­ry in the end.


And what’s the crew that sails with you
On board this ship so grand?
The saints of God all washed in blood
And un­der Christ’s com­mand.


Do you not fear the stor­my seas
Your bark may ov­erwhelm?
You need not fear—the Lord is near,
And Christ is at the helm!


Heave out your boat and come on board;
You say there’s plen­ty room;
The Cap­tain says, You’re wel­come now;
Make no de­lay, but come.


Then hoist the sails and catch the breeze,
And soon the jour­ney’s o’er.
The ship will land you safe at last
On Ca­naan’s hap­py shore.
