Yet there is room.
Luke 14:22
Words: Attributed to George H. Nobbs (1799–1884). Published in Pitcairn Hymns and Norfolk Favourites (Norfolk Island, undated).
Music: Anonymous (🔊
What ship is this you’re sailing in,
This wondrous ship of fame?
The ship is called the Church of God,
And Christ’s the Captain’s name.
Come join our happy crew!
We’re bound for Canaan’s shore!
The Captain says, There’s room for you
And room for millions more.
What wages do you get on board
This ship that you commend?
We’ve love and joy and peace and grace
And glory in the end.
And what’s the crew that sails with you
On board this ship so grand?
The saints of God all washed in blood
And under Christ’s command.
Do you not fear the stormy seas
Your bark may overwhelm?
You need not fear—the Lord is near,
And Christ is at the helm!
Heave out your boat and come on board;
You say there’s plenty room;
The Captain says, You’re welcome now;
Make no delay, but come.
Then hoist the sails and catch the breeze,
And soon the journey’s o’er.
The ship will land you safe at last
On Canaan’s happy shore.