What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey Him?
Mark 4:41
Words & Music: Henry L. Gilmour, 1907 (🔊
O shipwrecked soul, far out on sin’s dark wave,
With no help near, no lifeline thrown to save;
No boat to launch, no crew with courage brave;
Thy only help is Jesus.
Jesus has conquered the storm tossed sea,
Walked the wild billows of Galilee;
He is the Savior for thee, and me:
Jesus, only Jesus.
O shipwrecked soul, no wave can drown the voice
Of Him who speaks to make thy soul rejoice;
’Midst tempest swirl, make Jesus now thy choice;
Thy only help is Jesus.
O shipwrecked soul, He waits with pitying eye
Beholding thee; He’ll hear thy helpless cry;
O venture now, trust fully, He is nigh;
Thy only help is Jesus.
Shipwrecked, not lost beneath the crested wave;
For Christ was near; that Galilean brave,
Who holds a scepter in His hand, will save;
Thy only help is Jesus.