Scripture Verse

The heathen raged, the kingdoms were moved: He uttered His voice, the earth melted. The Lord of hosts is with us. Psalm 46:6–7


Thomas A. Arne (1710–1778)

Words: Is­aac Watts, No­vem­ber 5, 1694, alt. The Church saved, and her en­emies dis­ap­point­ed.

Music: Ar­ling­ton Tho­mas A. Arne, 1762. Ar­ranged by Ralph Har­ris­on, 1784 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Isaac Watts (1674–1748)


Shout to the Lord, and let our joys
Throughout the na­tions run;
Exulting skies, re­sound the noise
Beyond the ris­ing sun.

Thee, migh­ty God, our souls ad­mire,
To Thee glad voic­es sing,
And join with the ce­les­ti­al choir
To praise th’eter­nal King.

Thy pow­er the whole cre­ation rules,
And on the star­ry skies
Sits smil­ing at the weak de­signs
Thine en­vious foes de­vise.

Thy scorn de­rides their fee­ble rage,
And, with an aw­ful frown,
Flings vast con­fusion on their plots,
And shakes their Ba­bel down.

Their sec­ret fires in ca­verns lay,
And we the sac­ri­fice;
But gloomy ca­verns strove in vain
To ’scape all-search­ing eyes.

Their dark de­signs were all re­vealed,
Their trea­sons all be­trayed:
Praise to the God that broke the snare
Their curs­èd hands had laid.

In vain the bu­sy sons of hell
Still new re­bel­lions try,
Their souls shall pine with en­vi­ous rage,
And vex away and die.

Almighty grace de­fends our land
From their ma­li­cious pow­er;
So let us in unit­ed songs
Almighty grace ad­ore.