Scripture Verse

The whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain. Romans 8:22


James G. Deck (1802–1884)

Words: James G. Deck, Hymns for the Poor of the Flock 1838.

Music: Co­ro­nae Will­iam H. Monk, 1871 (🔊 pdf nwc).

William H. Monk (1823–1889)


Savior! hast­en Thine ap­pear­ing;
Take Thy wait­ing peo­ple home!
’Tis this hope, our spir­its cheer­ing,
While we in the des­ert roam,
Makes Thy peo­ple
Strangers here till Thou shalt come.

Lord! how long shall the cre­ation
Groan and tra­vail sore in pain;
Waiting for its sure sal­va­tion,
When Thou shalt in glo­ry reign,
And like Ed­en,
This sad earth shall bloom again?

Reign, oh, reign! al­migh­ty Sav­ior!
Heaven and earth in one unite;
Make it known that in Thy fa­vor
There alone is life and light.
When we see Thee,
We shall have un­mixed de­light.