Can ye not discern the signs of the times?
Matthew 16:3
Words: Fanny Crosby, in The Gospel Singer, by Philip Phillips (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Lee & Walker, 1874), number 126.
Music: Philip Phillips (🔊
Let the nations awake to the signs of the times,
A voice that is mighty and strong,
Like the thunder of waters, proclaim to the world,
Jehovah is marching along.
Then wake, let us stand with our face to the right,
And tread ’neath our feet every wrong;
The kingdoms of darkness are trembling with fear,
Jehovah is marching along.
Men of business, awake to the signs of the times,
Be true, and to others be just;
Give your wealth to the Lord, for to Him it belongs,
He lent it to you as a trust.
Let the women awake to the signs of the times,
God calls you—the cross nobly bear;
You can light up the heart with the pages of life,
And triumph with God through your prayer.
Let the Christian awake to the signs of the times,
For long at the post some have slept.
Arise, for the Master may suddenly come,
And frown at the watch you have kept.
Let the young men awake to the signs of the times,
God calls you, because you are strong;
You can work in the vineyard, with ardor and zeal,
For Him who is marching along.
Careless sinner, awake to the signs of the times,
Give Jesus your heart while you may;
O be washed in the blood—He will make you His child,
And take your transgressions away.