Scripture Verse

Hear, O My people, and I will warn you—if you would but listen to Me, O Israel! Psalm 81:8


Isaac Watts (1674–1748)

Words: Is­aac Watts, The Psalms of Da­vid 1719. The warn­ings of God to His peo­ple; or, spi­ri­tu­al bless­ings and pun­ish­ments.

Music: Accra James Mc­Gra­na­han, 1904 (🔊 pdf nwc).

James McGranahan



Sing to the Lord aloud,
And make a joy­ful noise;
God is our strength, our Sav­ior God;
Let Is­ra­el hear His voice.

“From vile id­ol­atry
Preserve My wor­ship clean;
I am the Lord, who set thee free
From sla­ve­ry and sin.

“Stretch thy de­sires abroad,
And I’ll sup­ply them well:
But if ye will re­fuse your God,
If Is­ra­el will re­bel;

I’ll leave them, saith the Lord,
“To their own lusts a prey,
And let them run the dan­ger­ous road,
’Tis their own chos­en way.

“Yet O! that all My saints
Would heark­en to My voice!
Soon I would ease their sore com­plaints,
And bid their hearts re­joice.

While I de­stroy their foes,
I’d rich­ly feed my flock;
And they should taste the stream that flows
From their eter­nal rock.