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Scripture Verse

There shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. Revelation 21:4


Hart P. Danks (1834–1903)

Words: Vers­es 1–4 by Eben E. Rex­ford. 1873. Last verse and last re­frain by Ri­chard W. Ad­ams, 2019 (pub­lic do­main). This song was ex­treme­ly po­pu­lar in its day, sell­ing over three mil­lion cop­ies.

Music: Hart P. Danks (🔊 ).

Eben E. Rexford (1848–1916)


Darling, I am grow­ing old,
Silver threads among the gold
Shine up­on my brow to­day;
Life is fad­ing fast away,
But, my dar­ling, you will be, will be,
Always young and fair to me.
Yes! my dar­ling, you will be
Always young and fair to me.


Darling, I am grow­ing old,
Silver threads among the gold
Shine up­on my brow to­day;
Life is fad­ing fast away.

When your hair is sil­ver white
And your cheeks no long­er bright
With the ros­es of the May,
I will kiss your lips and say:
Oh! my dar­ling, mine alone, alone,
You have nev­er old­er grown,
Yes! my dar­ling, mine alone,
You have nev­er old­er grown,


Love can nev­er­more grow old;
Locks may lose their brown and gold,
Cheeks may fade and hol­low grow;
But the hearts that love will know
Never, nev­er win­ter’s frost and chill;
Summer warmth is in them still,
Never win­ter’s frost and chill,
Summer warmth is in them still.


Love is al­ways young and fair;
What to us is sil­ver hair,
Faded cheeks or steps grown slow,
To the hearts that beat be­low?
Since I kissed you, mine alone, alone,
You have nev­er old­er grown,
Since I kissed you, mine alone,
You have nev­er old­er grown,


Soon we’ll join the Shep­herd’s fold,
There we’ll nev­er­more grow old;
Ageless with the saints on high,
Ne’er again to fade and die;
Cheeks abloom once more like month of May,
Eyes aspar­kle, fair as day;
For the Lamb has set us free,
Free to love eter­nal­ly.

Yes, my dar­ling, we will be
Always young and fair and free;
Shining bright in Heav’n above,
Resting in im­mor­tal love.