Scripture Verse

Make a joyful noise unto God, all ye lands. Psalm 66:1


Benjamin C. Unseld

Words: Is­aac Watts, The Psalms of Da­vid 1719. Governing power and goodness; or, our grace tried by afflictions.

Music: Ancyra Ben­ja­min C. Un­seld, 1901 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Isaac Watts (1674–1748)


Sing, all ye na­tions to the Lord,
Sing with a joy­ful noise;
With me­lo­dy of sound re­cord
His hon­ors and your joys.

Say to the pow­er that shakes the sky,
How ter­ri­ble art Thou!
Sinners be­fore Thy pre­sence fly,
Or at Thy feet they bow.

Come, see the won­ders of our God,
How glo­ri­ous are His ways!
In Mo­ses’ hand He puts His rod,
And cleaves the fright­ed seas.

He made the ebb­ing chan­nel dry,
While Is­ra­el passed the flood;
There did the Church be­gin their joy,
And tri­umph in their God.

He rules by His re­sist­less might:
Will re­bel mor­tals dare
Provoke th’Eter­nal to the fight,
And tempt that dread­ful war?

O bless our God, and nev­er cease,
Ye saints, to keep His praise;
He keeps our life, main­tains our peace,
And guides our doubt­ful ways.

Lord, Thou hast proved our suf­fer­ing souls,
To make our grac­es shine;
So sil­ver bears the burn­ing coals,
The me­tal to re­fine.

Through wa­te­ry deeps, and fie­ry ways,
We march at Thy com­mand;
Led to pos­sess the pro­mised place
By Thine un­er­ring hand.