Scripture Verse

This man receiveth sinners. Luke 15:2


Franz J. Haydn (1732–1809)

Words: Charles Wes­ley, first pub­lished in 1741 as part of an 18-stan­za hymn, See, Sin­ners in the Gos­pel Glass. Then the hymn was split in three parts & re-pub­lished in 1780.

Music: Brown­well Franz J. Hay­dn (1732–1809) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Charles Wesley (1707–1788)


Sinners, be­lieve the Gos­pel word,
Jesus is come your souls to save
Jesus is come, your com­mon Lord;
Pardon ye all through Him may have,
May now be saved, who­ev­er will;
This Man re­ceiv­eth sin­ners still.

See where the lame, the halt, the blind,
The deaf, the dumb, the sick, the poor,
Flock to the Friend of hu­man kind,
And free­ly all ac­cept their cure;
To whom did He His help de­ny?
Whom in His days of flesh pass by?

Did not His Word the fiends ex­pel,
The le­pers cleanse, and raise the dead?
Did He not all their sick­ness heal,
And sa­tis­fy their ev­ery need?
Did He re­ject His help­less clay,
Or send them sor­row­ful away?

Nay, but His bow­els yearned to see
The peo­ple hun­gry, scat­tered, faint;
Nay, but He ut­tered ov­er thee,
Jerusalem, a true com­plaint;
Jerusalem, who shedd’st His blood,
That, with His tears, for thee hath flowed.