Scripture Verse

She gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped Him in cloths and placed Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. Luke 2:7


Words & Mu­sic: Tra­di­tion­al car­ol (🔊 pdf nwc).


The snow lay on the ground,
The stars shone bright,
When Christ our Lord was born
On Christ­mas night.
Venite ado­re­mus Do­mi­num;
Venite ado­re­mus Do­mi­num


Venite ado­re­mus Do­mi­num;
Venite ado­re­mus Do­mi­num;
Venite ado­re­mus Do­mi­num;
Venite ado­re­mus Do­mi­num;

’Twas Ma­ry, daugh­ter pure
Of ho­ly Anne,
That brought in­to this world
The God made man.
She laid Him in a stall
At Beth­le­hem;
The ass and ox­en shared
The roof with them.


Saint Jo­seph, too, was by
To tend the Child;
To guard him, and pro­tect
His mo­ther mild;
The an­gels ho­vered round,
And sang this song,
Venite ado­re­mus Do­mi­num.


And thus that man­ger poor
Became a throne;
For He whom Ma­ry bore
Was God the Son.
O come, then, let us join
The heav’n­ly host,
To praise the Fa­ther, Son,
And Ho­ly Ghost.


Harz Mountains, Germany