Scripture Verse

Why will you die, O house of Israel? For I take no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Sovereign Lord. Repent and live. Ezekiel 18:31–32


Charles Wesley (1707–1788)

Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns on God’s Ev­er­last­ing Love 1741.

Music: Mes­si­ah Lou­is J. F. Hé­rold, 1830. Ar­ranged by George Kings­ley, 1838 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Louis J. F. Hérold (1791–1833)


Sinners, turn: why will you die?
God, your mak­er, asks you why.
God, who did your be­ing give,
Gave Him­self, that you might live;
He the fa­tal cause de­mands,
Asks the work of His own hands.
Why, you thank­less crea­tures, why,
Will you cross His love, and die?

Sinners, turn: why will you die?
God, your Sav­ior, asks you why.
God, who did your souls re­trieve,
Died Him­self, that you might live.
Will you let Him die in vain?
Crucify your Lord again?
Why, you ran­somed sin­ners, why,
Will you slight His grace and die?

Sinners, turn: why will you die?
God, the Spi­rit, asks you why;
He, who all your lives hath strove,
Wooed you to em­brace His love.
Will you not His grace re­ceive?
Will you still re­fuse to live?
Why, you long sought sin­ners, why,
Will you grieve your God, and die?

Let the beasts their breath re­sign,
Strangers to the life di­vine;
Who their God can ne­ver know,
Let their spi­rit down­ward go.
You for high­er ends were born,
You may all to God re­turn,
Dwell with Him above the sky;
Why will you for­ev­er die?

You, on whom He fa­vors show­ers,
You, pos­sessed of nob­ler pow­ers,
You, of rea­son’s pow­ers pos­sessed,
You, with will and me­mo­ry blessed,
You, with fin­er sense en­dued,
Creatures ca­pa­ble of God;
Noblest of His crea­tures, why,
Why will you for­ev­er die?

You, whom He or­dained to be
Transcripts of the Tri­ni­ty,
You, whom He in life doth hold,
You for whom Him­self was sold,
You, on whom He still doth wait,
Whom He would again cre­ate;
Made by Him, and pur­chased, why,
Why will you for­ev­er die?

You, who own His re­cord true,
You, His chos­en peo­ple, you,
You, who call the Sav­ior Lord,
You, who read His writ­ten Word,
You, who see the Go­spel light,
Claim a crown in Jes­us’ right;
Why will you, ye Chris­tians, why,
Will the house of Is­ra­el die?

Turn, He cries, ye sin­ners turn;
By His life your God hath sworn;
He would have you turn and live,
He would all the world re­ceive;
He hath brought to all the race
Full sal­va­tion by His grace;
He hath not one soul passed by;
Why will you re­solve to die?

Can ye doubt, if God is love,
If to all His mer­cies move?
Will ye not His Word re­ceive?
Will ye not His oath be­lieve?
See, the suf­fer­ing God appears!
Jesus weeps! Be­lieve His tears!
Mingled with His blood they cry,
Why will you re­solve to die?

Dead, al­rea­dy dead within,
Spiritually dead in sin,
Dead to God while here you breathe,
Pant ye af­ter se­cond death?
Will you still in sin remain,
Greedy of eter­nal pain?
O you dying sin­ners, why,
Why will you for­ev­er die?

What could your Re­deem­er do
More than He hath done for you?
To pro­cure your peace with God,
Could He more than shed His blood?
After all His waste of love,
All His draw­ings from above,
Why will you your Lord deny?
Why will you re­solve to die?

Turn, He cries, ye sin­ners, turn;
By His life your God hath sworn,
He would have you turn and live,
He would all the world re­ceive.
If your death were His de­light,
Would he you to life in­vite?
Would he ask, ob­test, and cry,
Why will you re­solve to die?

Sinners, turn, while God is near:
Dare not think Him in­sin­cere:
Now, ev­en now, your Sav­ior stands,
All day long He spreads His hands,
Cries, you will not hap­py be!
No, you will not come to Me!
Me, who life to none de­ny:
Why will you re­solve to die?