Scripture Verse

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. Luke 2:14


Edward A. Washburn (1819–1881)

Words: Ed­ward A. Was­hburn, in Hymns and Of­fic­es of Wor­ship, ed­it­ed by Pe­ter Wolle (Beth­le­hem, Penn­syl­van­ia: Mo­ra­vi­an Pub­lish­ing Of­fice, 1866), num­ber 41.

Music: Mas­sah M. War­ner (🔊 pdf nwc).

Massah M. Warner (1836–1900)


Softly the night is sleep­ing
On Beth­le­hem’s peace­ful hill;
Silent the shep­herds watch­ing,
The gen­tle flocks are still.
But hark! the won­drous mu­sic
Falls from the op­en­ing sky;
Valley and cliff re­ec­ho,
Glory to God on high!


Glory to God! Glo­ry to God!
Glory to God! it rings again,
Peace on the earth! good will to men!

Day in the east is break­ing;
Day o’er the crim­soned earth;
Now the glad world is wak­ing,
Glad in the Sav­ior’s birth!
See where the clear star blend­eth
Over the man­ger blest;
See where the in­fant Je­sus
Smiles up­on Mary’s breast!


Come with the glad­some shep­herds,
Quick hast­en­ing from the fold;
Come with the wise men, pour­ing
Incense and myrrh and gold.
Come to Him, poor and low­ly,
Around the cra­dle throng;
Come with your hearts of sun­shine,
And sing the an­gels’ song.


Weave ye the wreaths un­fad­ing,
The fir tree and the pine;
Green from the snows of win­ter,
To deck the ho­ly shrine;
Bring ye the hap­py child­ren!
For this is Christ­mas morn;
Jesus, the sin­less In­fant,
Jesus, the Lord, is born.
