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Scripture Verse

The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved. Jeremiah 8:20


Horace Lincoln (1859–1948)

Words: Lou S. Bed­ford, in the Song-Land Mes­sen­ger Com­plete (Dal­las, Tex­as: H. N. Lin­coln, 1892), num­ber 148.

Music: Ho­race N. Lin­coln (🔊 ).

Lou S. Bedford (1837–1920)


The sum­mer is end­ed, O God!
And the har­vest for­ev­er past,
While heed­less life’s ear­nest path I have trod,
And now I’m un­done at last;
With the best of in­ten­tions
My path I have paved,
But the har­vest is ended,
My soul is not saved.


I am not saved; I am not saved;
The har­vest is end­ed, and I am not saved.

The dews of God’s grace have come down;
Thro’ the spring and the sum­mer eves
The beau­ti­ful rays of au­tumn’s bright sun
Have rip­ened full ma­ny sheaves;
All the while with vain dream­ings
My way I have paved
Till the sum­mer is end­ed
And I am not saved.


Full oft­en His still gen­tle voice
Has en­cour­aged my way­ward heart
To choose, in the place of life’s fleet­ing joys,
Like Mary, that bet­ter part,
But alas! ev­ery warn­ing
My proud heart has braved,
Till sum­mer is ended
And I am not saved.
