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Scripture Verse

The sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. Ephesians 6:17


William W. How (1823–1897)
National Portrait Gallery


Words: Will­iam W. How, Psalms and Hymns, by How and Tho­mas Bak­er Mor­rell, en­larged edi­tion (Lon­don: John Mor­gan, 1864), number 69.

Music: Glad Day Will­iam W. Gil­christ, 1895 (🔊 ).

Alternate Tunes:

William W. Gilchrist


Soldiers of the cross, arise;
Gird you with your ar­mor bright;
Mighty are your ene­mies,
Hard the bat­tle ye must fight.

O’er a faith­less fall­en world
Raise your ban­ner in the sky,
Let it float there wide un­furled;
Bear it on­ward; lift it high.

Mid the homes of want and woe,
Strangers to the liv­ing Word,
Let the Sav­ior’s her­ald go,
Let the voice of hope be heard.

Where the sha­dows deep­est lie,
Carry truth’s un­sul­lied ray;
Where are crimes of black­est dye,
There the sav­ing sign dis­play.

To the wea­ry and the worn
Tell of realms where sor­rows cease;
To the out­cast and for­lorn
Speak of mer­cy and of peace.

Guard the help­less; seek the strayed;
Comfort trou­bles; ban­ish grief;
With the Spir­it’s sword ar­rayed,
Scatter sin and un­be­lief.

Be the ban­ner still un­furled,
Bear it brave­ly still abroad,
Till the king­doms of the world
Are the king­dom of the Lord.