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Scripture Verse

I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Matthew 28:20


Peter P. Bilhorn (1865–1936)

Words: Pe­ter P. Bil­horn, 1908. Some hym­nals give the au­thor as Irene Dur­fee, one of Bil­horn’s pseu­do­nyms.

Music: W. Still­man Mar­tin (🔊 ).

Stillman Martin (1862–1935)


Never alone in this earth­ly way,
Somebody cares, some­bo­dy cares;
I have a help­er each bu­sy day,
Somebody cares, ’tis Je­sus.
Somebody cares when the clouds hang low,
Cares when my heart is o’er­whelmed with woe;
Cares and is mark­ing my path be­low,
Somebody cares, ’tis Je­sus.


Somebody cares for me,
Somebody cares for me;
In all my life His kind hand I see,
Somebody cares, ’tis Je­sus.

When I am sing­ing a hap­py song,
Somebody cares, some­bo­dy cares;
When I am fight­ing against the wrong,
Somebody cares, ’tis Je­sus;
Somebody cares when I stand alone,
Cares when the plea­sures of earth are gone;
Cares when my false hopes with wings have flown,
Somebody cares, ’tis Je­sus.


When I am wea­ry and long for rest,
Somebody cares, some­bo­dy cares;
When by the tempt­er I’m sore­ly pressed,
Somebody cares, ’tis Je­sus;
Somebody cares, and what­e’er be­tide,
Walks ev­ery hour by the Chris­tian’s side;
Love so am­az­ing will e’er abide,
Somebody cares, ’tis Je­sus.
