Scripture Verse

The Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. Luke 19:10


Words: Henry H. Barstow, in The Pres­by­ter­ian Tribune, cir­ca 1936.

Music: St. Le­on­ard (Hiles) Hen­ry Hiles, 1867 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Bar­stow (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Henry Hiles (1826–1904)


The Son of Man goes forth today
With slow and toilsome pace,
By hedge and curb, in mine and wood,
The shepherdless to trace;
Through gleaming square and alley dim,
High hall and basement low,
Where goes the Son of Man today
Let those who serve Him go.

The Son of Man goes forth today,
His eyes suffused with pain,
Where children’s toil and virtue’s worth
Are marketed for gain.
On them, in wrath ’gainst ruthless greed
He lays the millstone’s woe:
Where goes the Son of Man today
Let those who serve Him go.

The Son of Man goes forth today,
Up Calvary’s rocky slope;
His ancient wounds gush forth afresh,
Mankind’s eter­nal hope.
O Church of God, behold the Man!
Your Lord and pattern know!
Where goes the Son of Man today
Let those who serve Him go.