Scripture Verse

I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with Thy likeness. Psalm 17:15


Albert Simpson (1843–1919)

Words: Al­bert B. Simp­son, 1897.

Music: George C. Steb­bins (🔊 pdf nwc).

George Stebbins


Some sweet morn the day will break,
Nevermore to sink in night.
Some sweet morn we shall awake,
Mid the ev­er­last­ing light.


We are wait­ing for the turn­ing of the morn­ing
We are watch­ing for the break­ing of the dawn;
Morn of morns, oh, haste thy glad ap­pear­ing!
Day of days, speed on, speed on, speed on!

Some sweet day the end shall come
To our part­ing and our pain,
Some sweet day we’ll all go home,
Nevermore to part again.


Some sweet hour our mor­tal frame
Shall His glo­ri­ous im­age wear.
Some sweet hour our worth­less name
All His ma­jes­ty shall share.


Some sweet day our tongue shall tell
All the sto­ry of His love.
Some sweet day our song shall swell
Loud and sweet as songs above.


Some sweet morn we’ll see His face,
And we shall be sa­tis­fied.
Some sweet day in His em­brace
We shall ev­er­more abide.
