Scripture Verse

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. Luke 2:14


George Hugg (1848–1907)

Words: George C. Hugg, in Songs for the Har­vest Field, ed­it­ed by Charles H. Ga­bri­el (New York: Fill­more Bro­thers, 1891).

Music: Ke­low­na George C. Hugg (🔊 pdf nwc).


Floating down­ward through the mid­night,
Bursts a glo­ri­ous tide of song;
Angel voic­es tuned to sweet­ness
Roll the migh­ty wave along.


Glory, glo­ry in the high­est!
Peace on earth, good-will to men
Down the ag­es roll the tid­ings,
Mortals shout a loud Amen.

Shepherds watch­ful guard are keep­ing,
Over their flocks this star­lit night,
Wondering at the break­ing glo­ry,
And the an­gel song so bright.


Sweetly led to Beth­le­hem’s man­ger,
Viewing there the new­born Child,
Light of light! and hope of ag­es!
God and man, now re­con­ciled.
