Scripture Verse

The preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us who are saved it is the power of God. 1 Corinthians 1:18


Words & Mu­sic: Al­bert and Ol­ive Bed­doe, in Har­vest Hymns, by Ro­bert H. Cole­man (Dal­las, Texas: Ro­bert H. Cole­man, 1924), num­ber 236, alt. (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get good pho­tos of Al­bert or Ol­ive Bed­doe (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


The song of the cross
Is more sweet to my soul
Than the tone of an old vi­olin,
For its mes­sage brought peace
Like the ev­en­ing bell’s toll
As I groped in the dark­ness of sin.
Forgotten my past
As black as the night,
Forgotten the world and its dross—
And my soul thrilled with rap­ture,
And glo­ry, and light,
When they sang me the song of the cross.


Oh, sing them the song,
The song of the cross,
They’ll count the world no­thing but loss;
They’ll for­sake all their sin,
And let Je­sus come in,
If you’ll sing them a song of the cross.

Ah, once the world’s cla­mor,
And clat­ter and din
Discordantly flood­ed my soul,
But the song of the cross
Like a bless­ing crept in,
And I yield­ed to Je­sus’ con­trol.
I sing now of Christ who dis­pels ev­ery woe,
The hearts of lost sin­ners are stirred;
And I’ll sing the sweet mes­sage
Wherever I go,
Till all of the na­tions have heard.


The song of the cross
Tells of blood that was shed
On the sum­mit of dark Cal­va­ry,
How Je­sus the Na­za­rene
Suffered and bled
That lost man­kind
From sin should be free.
It tells that the sin­ner
Who trusts in His name,
And re­jects this old world with its dross,
May find full for­giv­eness
From Him who o’er­came
When He died for us all on the cross.
