Scripture Verse

Sing and make music in your heart. Ephesians 5:19


James Montgomery
National Portrait Gallery

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Words: James Mont­go­me­ry, 1819.

Music: Monk­land John An­tes, in A Col­lect­ion of Hymn Tunes Chief­ly Com­posed for Pri­vate Amuse­ment by John An­tes, cir­ca 1790. Ar­ranged by John B. Wilkes, 1861 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of An­tes or Wilkes (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Songs of praise the an­gels sang,
Heav’n with hal­le­lu­jahs rang,
When Je­ho­vah’s be­gun,
When He spoke, and it was done.

Songs of praise awoke the morn
When the Prince of Peace was born;
Songs of praise arose when He
Captive led cap­ti­vi­ty.

Heav’n and earth must pass away;
Songs of praise shall crown that day;
God will make new heav’ns and earth;
Songs of praise shall hail their birth.

And will man alone be dumb,
Till that glo­ri­ous king­dom come?
No: the church de­lights to raise
Psalms, and hymns, and songs of praise.

Saints be­low, with heart and voice,
Still in songs of praise re­joice,
Learning here, by faith and love,
Songs of praise to sing ab­ove.

Borne up­on their lat­est breath,
Songs of praise shall con­quer death;
Then amidst eter­nal joy,
Songs of praise their pow­ers em­ploy.

Hymns of glo­ry, songs of praise,
Father, un­to Thee we raise;
Jesus, glo­ry un­to Thee,
With the Spir­it, ev­er be.

Virgin and Child with Angels
Pietro Perugino (1445–1523)