Scripture Verse

To you, O my heart, He has said, Seek My face! Psalm 27:8


Isaac Watts (1674–1748)

Words: Is­aac Watts, The Psalms of Da­vid 1719. Pray­er and hope.

Music: Bi­shop­thorpe Je­re­mi­ah Clarke, 1700 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Jeremiah Clarke
(ca. 1659–1707)


Soon as I heard my Fa­ther say,
Ye child­ren, seek My grace,
My heart re­plied with­out de­lay,
I’ll seek my Fa­ther’s face.

Let not Thy face be hid from me,
Nor frown my soul away;
God of my life, I fly to Thee
In a dis­tress­ing day.

Should friends and kin­dred near and dear
Leave me to want or die,
My God would make my life His care,
And all my need sup­ply.

My faint­ing flesh had died with grief
Had not my soul be­lieved,
To see Thy grace pro­vide re­lief;
Nor was my hope de­ceived.

Wait on the Lord, ye trem­bling saints,
And keep your cour­age up;
He’ll raise your spir­it when it faints,
And far ex­ceed your hope.