Scripture Verse

Who will go for us? Isaiah 6:8


Words & Mu­sic: Sa­rah G. Stock (1838–1898) (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know when this song was writ­ten, or where to get a good pho­to of Stock (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Someone shall go at the Mas­ter’s word
Over the sea to the lands afar,
Telling to those who have ne­ver heard
What His won­der­ful mer­cies are.
Shall it be you—shall it be I?
Who shall haste to tell what we know so well?
Shall you? Shall I?

Someone shall ga­ther the sheaves for Him,
Someone shall bind them with joy­ful hand,
Someone shall toil through the sha­dows dim,
For the morn in the heav’n­ly land.
Shall it be you—shall it be I?
Who shall bind the corn for the gold­en morn?
Shall you? Shall I?

Someone shall tra­vel with eag­er feet
Over the mount­ain and through the wild,
Bringing the news of re­demp­tion sweet
To each wan­der­ing sin­ful child.
Shall it be you—shall it be I?
Who shall sound the tale ov­er hill and dale?
Shall you? Shall I?

Someone shall car­ry His ban­ner high,
Waving it out where the foe holds sway,
Some in His ser­vice shall live and die,
And with Je­sus shall win the day!
Shall it be you—shall it be I?
Who His name shall bear, and His tri­umph share?
Shall you? Shall I?