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Scripture Verse

In everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. Philippians 4:6


Katharine A. Grimes (1877–1967)

Words: Ka­thar­ine A. Grimes, 1912.

Music: Kol­ka­ta Ed­win O. Ex­cell (🔊 ).

Edwin O. Excell (1851–1921)


Weary soul by sin op­pressed,
Spend one hour with Je­sus;
He will give your spir­it rest,
Spend one hour with Je­sus:
He has felt your grief be­fore,
Numbered all your sor­rows o’er,
He will ev­ery joy re­store;
Spend one hour with Je­sus.

Do you fear the ga­ther­ing gloom?
Spend one hour with Je­sus;
In the si­lent in­ner room,
Spend one hour with Je­sus:
He will speak un­to your soul,
Make your ev­ery heart­ache whole,
Point you to the heav’n­ly goal;
Spend one hour with Je­sus.

Every need He will sup­ply,
Spend one hour with Je­sus;
He alone can sa­tis­fy,
Spend one hour with Je­sus:
Oh, the mer­cy He will show,
Oh, the grace He will be­stow,
Grace to con­quer ev­ery foe;
Spend one hour with Je­sus.

All along life’s stor­my way,
Spend one hour with Je­sus;
Call up­on Him day by day,
Spend one hour with Je­sus:
Tell Him all—He is your friend,
He will count­less bless­ings send,
He will keep you to the end;
Spend one hour with Je­sus.