Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious ointment upon the head.
Psalm 133:1–2
Words: Joshua F. Drake, 2006 (public domain).
Music: Forest Glen, Joshua F. Drake, 2006 (public domain) (🔊
Alternate Tunes:
The Spirit binds us to our Lord
But once in Him we find
Communion sweet, as oil outpoured,
With kindred hearts and minds.
Beneath His yoke, our easy tie,
We count as common store
Our gifts and graces—rich supply
For him who needs them more.
Such aid is giv’n to those who call
On Christ’s name anywhere:
Their outward need is borne by all,
As much as each can bear.
But outward aid alone won’t fill
The storehouse of the saints,
For inward aid is better still
To Christian supplicants.
We, by our Faith, are bound to meet
In worship of the Lord,
And flood our Father’s mercy seat
With prayers in one accord.
May God’s own Spirit keep us ’til
We meet at heaven’s door
And gifts we shared below then will
Be changed for heav’nly store.