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Scripture Verse

So shall He sprinkle many nations. Isaiah 1:15


Arthur Coxe (1818–1896)

Words: Ar­thur C. Coxe, 1851. Coxe be­gan writ­ing these words on Good Fri­day, 1850, but did not fin­ish them un­til the next year, at Mag­da­len Col­lege, Ox­ford, Eng­land. They first ap­peared in Vers­es for 1851, in Com­me­mo­ra­tion of the Third Ju­bi­lee of the So­ci­ety for the Pro­pa­ga­tion of the Gos­pel, by Er­nest Hawk­ins.

Music: Fal­field Ar­thur S. Sul­li­van, 1867 (🔊 ).

Alternate Tunes:

Arthur Sullivan (1842–1900)


Savior, sprin­kle m­any na­tions;
Fruitful let Thy sor­rows be;
By Thy pains and con­so­la­tions
Draw the Gen­tiles un­to Thee!

Of Thy cross the won­drous sto­ry,
Be it to the na­tions told;
Let them see Thee in Thy glo­ry
And Thy mer­cy ma­ni­fold.

Far and wide, though all un­know­ing,
Pants for Thee each mor­tal breast,
Human tears for Thee are flow­ing,
Human hearts in Thee would rest.

Thirsting as for dews of ev­en,
As the new mown grass for rain
Thee they seek as God of Heav­en,
Thee as man for sin­ners slain.

Savior, lo! the isles are wait­ing
Stretched the hand and strained the sight,
For Thy Spir­it, new cre­at­ing,
Love’s pure flame, and wis­dom’s light.

Give the word, and of the preach­er
Speed the foot and touch the tongue,
Till on earth by ev­ery crea­ture
Glory to the Lamb be sung!