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Scripture Verse

The Lord Himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God. 1 Thessalonians 4:16


Words: Ano­ny­mous.

Music: Ware­ham Will­iam Knapp, 1738 (🔊 ).

William Knapp (1698–1768)


Star of our hope! He’ll soon ap­pear,
The last loud trum­pet speaks Him near;
Hail Him, all saints, from pole to pole—
How welcome to the faith­ful soul!

From Heav­en an­gel­ic voic­es sound:
Behold the Lord of glo­ry crowned.
Arrayed in ma­jes­ty divine,
And in His high­est glo­ries shine.

The grave yields up its pre­cious trust,
Which long has slum­bered in the dust,
Resplendent forms as­cend­ing, fair,
Now meet the Sav­ior in the air.

Descending with His az­ure throne,
He claims the king­dom for His own;
The saints re­joice, they shout, they sing,
And hail Him their tri­um­phant king.

O joy­ful day, when He ap­pears
With all His saints, to end their fears!
Our Lord will then His right ob­tain,
And in His king­dom ev­er reign.