Scripture Verse

In the days of Herod the king…there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, saying, Where is He that is born king of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the east, and are come to worship Him. Matthew 2:1–2


Thomas Campbell (1777–1844)
Wikimedia Commons

Words: Tho­mas Camp­bell (1777–1844), alt.

Music: Mei­ring­en Chris­tian G. Neefe, 1777 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Christian G. Neefe (1748–1798)


A star ap­peared, and peace­ful threw
Around its ho­ly ray;
It caught the faith­ful Ma­gi’s view,
And led the won­drous way,
From far famed Per­sia’s smil­ing bow­ers,
Fair land of beau­ty, fruits and flow­ers.

Each heart through­out the gaz­ing throng
What an­xious glad­ness fills,
While slow­ly moved that star along
O’er Ju­dah’s sac­red hills,
And soft­ly fixed its mel­low light
On dist­ant Beth­le­hem’s joy­ful night!

There, unk­nown to the rich and great,
Or per­fumed halls of state,
Where shin­ing gold­en lamps so bright
Scoff at the si­lent night,
Hear mu­sic’s notes, so ho­ly, sweet,
They rise and fall ’mid joy com­plete.

The Prince of Peace, so young, so fair,
In low­ly state He slept;
While near, with kind pa­rent­al care,
The mo­ther’s watch was kept.
Let sweet­est harp of Ju­dah rise,
And Gen­tile hymns climb to the skies!