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Scripture Verse

The Lord went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night. Exodus 13:21


Fanny Crosby (1820–1915)

Words: Fan­ny Cros­by, in Our Trea­su­ry of Song, ed­it­ed by Sam­uel Al­man & Hu­bert P. Main (New York: Big­low & Main, 1883).

Music: Ho­ra­tio R. Pal­mer (🔊 ).


Joshua Passing the Jordan with the Ark
Benjamin West (1738–1820)
Wikimedia Commons

Praise ye the Lord,
Joyfully sound ho­san­na,
Praise the Lord with glad ac­claim.
Lift up your hearts
Unto His throne with glad­ness,
Magnify His ho­ly name.
Marching along
Under His ban­ner bright,
Trusting in His mer­cy as we go,
His light di­vine
Tenderly o’er us will shine,
We shall be guid­ed by His hand
Now and for­ev­er.


Steadily march­ing on,
With our ban­ners wav­ing o’er us;
Steadily march­ing on,
While we sing the joy­ful chor­us;
Steadily march­ing on,
Pillar and cloud go­ing be­fore us,
To the realms of glo­ry
To our home on high.

Praise we the Lord,
He is the King eter­nal,
Glory be to God on high.
Praise we the Lord,
Tell of His lov­ing kind­ness,
Join the chor­us of the sky.
Still march­ing on,
Cheerily march­ing on,
In the ranks of Je­sus we will go,
Home to our rest,
Joyfully home where the blest
Gather and praise the Sav­ior’s name,
Praise Him for­ev­er.
