Scripture Verse

I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with Mine eye. Psalm 32:8


Josiah Carley (1996–)

Words: Jo­si­ah Car­ley, 2012.

Music: Step by Step Jo­si­ah Carley, 2012 (🔊 pdf nwc).

I was im­pro­vis­ing at the pi­ano when a plea­sant tune came forth from my fin­gers. Though at first I did not in­tend to write it down, I felt an im­press­ion that I should re­cord the tune; and so I did. A few weeks lat­er, while con­tem­plat­ing the Lord’s guid­ance in the lives of all those who sur­ren­der to His lead­ing, I was in­spired with the words to the song.

Josiah Carley


Step by step, our Fa­ther leads us up­ward,
Ever high­er, to our home above;
Step by step, for­ev­er go­ing on­ward,
In His hand, and trust­ing in His love.
Though oft our hearts may ache with si­lent long­ing
Which on­ly He our Lord may know,
One day we’ll un­der­stand the joy and bless­ing
Which came from serv­ing Him below.

Step by step, our char­ac­ters are mold­ed
By our Sav­ior’s lov­ing, ten­der hands,
Step by step, as ev’ry day un­fold­ed,
Brings us near­er right to where He stands.
For through our deep­est tri­als He is faith­ful;
His love our emp­ti­ness will fill.
And thus our Lord will make us to be joy­ful,
Through faith and trust with­in Him still.

Step by step, He leads through sun­ny wea­ther,
In His arms, the storms we have with­stood;
And we know that all things work to­ge­ther,
By His care, for all our high­est good.
For though we may not un­der­stand His work­ings,
Or grasp the wis­dom of His plans,
One day we’ll see the beau­ty of His do­ings,
And know the love of His com­mands.

Step by step, with each one draw­ing near­er
To our ev­er­last­ing home on high;
Step by step, with each one He is dear­er;
For our sins, for us, He bled and died.
Not long will pass before our jour­ney’s end­ed,
And this old life will be no more;
For He who by all Hea­ven is at­tend­ed,
Shall lead us all to Ca­naan’s shore.