The full assurance of hope unto the end.
Hebrews 6:11
Words: Horatius Bonar, 1857. These words come from Bonar’s ’Tis Thus They Press the Hand and Part.
Music: Cairo, in The Sabbath Hymn and Tune Book, by Lowell Mason, Edwards A. Park & Austin Phelps (New York; Boston, Massachusetts; and Chicago, Illinois: Mason Brothers, J. E. Tilton, and Root & Cady, 1859), page 325 (🔊
Still one in life and one in death,
One in our hope of rest above;
One in our joy, our trust, our faith,
One in each other’s faithful love.
Yet must we part, and parting, weep;
What else has earth for us in store?
Our farewell pangs, how sharp and deep!
Our farewell words, how sad and sore!
Yet shall we meet again in peace,
To sing the song of festal joy,
Where none shall bid our gladness cease,
And none our fellowship destroy.
Where none shall beckon us away,
Nor bid our festival be done;
Our meeting-time th’eternal day,
Our meeting-place th’eternal throne.
There, hand in hand, firm-linked at last,
And, heart to heart, enfolded all,
We’ll smile upon the troubled past,
And wonder why we wept at all.